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发表于 2009-3-26 13:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hello! How ‘ve you been for the past 1 month?) V& y5 @- u% y# |  }4 ]- X

' g! B+ ?9 O0 WWork is fine. I'm currently involved in helping the orientation for the first year university students. Most of the students I'm working with are Malaysians. Very young ; ) they are starting university next week.
* Y0 [5 s% K2 \$ M" o1 W! ?0 Q* _. D9 K/ r0 Z* y' `  R  b7 _4 K1 f0 w1 {) X
They are many international students studying in Singapore. I have get to know 1st year students from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka in addition to those from Vietnam and Malaysia. I also met 2 students from Qinghua Da Xue on exchange program. they will be here for a semester. One is doing English Literature. Can't remember which course the second gal is doing. 4 q! [- s3 Q; R4 }! V
' T" ?& v" a; A+ e7 |% c) r
Thursday was Singapore 42th birthday.
4 ]6 X( q) B, O  d) yI went to Qiyuan’s house together with 7 other friends to watch the National Day Parade.
& T# T+ H! H; E* k9 s6 of the friends were going to 1st year University. 3 of them were from Vietnam and 3 from Malaysia. We only have a day of public holiday unlike PRCs who have 2 weeks off.
+ m% Z% [8 G+ I( U

9 p. W* k; T5 L+ R# p. II really love my country and wish Singapore will be strong politically and economically. In addition, I pray that Singaporeans will be loyal to our motherland and care for one another. 1 a/ S+ g! ?! s8 N) P
: G5 r- t; z8 T+ L' N' M

) o9 r$ M$ u  \. t9 II love the 'Su shi Yue Bing (mooncakes)' that I bought in Shanghai. They are Yummy!
) e3 q$ w9 t. _- r
1 _9 A: z: s3 |" C$ i8 ]# P, n
I went to Cheng Huan Miao on on the morning before I flew off and tried the 'Tang bao'. Thought there 's meat inside! But there's only soup and the 'bao'... felt a bit cheated paying 10 RMB for only the soup. Tried the Nanxiang Xiao Long bao. they are good but i still prefer the fried buns( what are they called again?) that we tried after the karoke session.4 e) ^# d% D2 V# T

* b9 j0 j  O  |2 }1 z. O7 }Shengchen is also back in Singapore and will be starting school next week. When are u starting school again?' t" V! `% j, I" I! Z% V
- `& x- A; m* \/ D

2 S/ {* Q; ~$ t+ m3 aWith love,
$ f. C, n- [, k9 d$ c+ ]1 l8 s+ JXuemei# y) T* ^% k& K% t8 x6 n9 o- Y: i

; K4 R  _* y: r+ {

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发表于 2010-4-16 11:32 | 显示全部楼层
x色迷迷 谁写的邮件啊。
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发表于 2010-4-16 11:33 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-4-16 11:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-4-16 21:40 | 显示全部楼层
额 ,应该不是吧?
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发表于 2010-4-17 15:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-4-18 20:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-4-20 16:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-4-20 16:21 | 显示全部楼层
Hello! How ‘ve you been for the past 1 month?
! o" [, K" Y* L' c4 r* j你好!过去一个月怎么样?/ T( \: z, p7 R+ w+ S( q- d) q1 [
Work is fine. I'm currently involved in helping the orientation for the first year university students. Most of the students I'm working with are Malaysians. Very young ; ) they are starting university next week.
1 K, p0 ]0 g  n* ~8 K% ^工作还不错。我现在正在忙于帮助一年级大学生如何定位自己。
6 i! P# O8 q* T" `/ T% \" F我参与工作的大部分学生是马来西亚人。非常年轻:)他们下周开始大学生活。
4 n+ k$ }) q1 m. N3 Q, \! u0 I- z+ C2 y3 U
They are many international students studying in Singapore. I have get to know 1st year students from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka in addition to those from Vietnam and Malaysia. I also met 2 students from Qinghua Da Xue on exchange program. they will be here for a semester. One is doing English Literature. Can't remember which course the second gal is doing.
- G* W9 M% E$ N+ f! f有许多国际学生在新加坡学习。我知道的有来自孟加拉国,斯里兰卡也包括来自越南和马来西亚的。我还知道有两名来自清华交换生项目的学生。他们将在这里呆一个学期。一个在学习英语教育。记不起另一个学习什么了。5 T$ ]1 P2 j3 _* A$ \" N
' V* S. r1 c8 T# w
Thursday was Singapore 42th birthday./ q- E& q8 t. y2 _
I went to Qiyuan’s house together with 7 other friends to watch the National Day Parade.
5 j2 v, {8 T9 w6 q4 h# ~/ a6 of the friends were going to 1st year University. 3 of them were from Vietnam and 3 from Malaysia. We only have a day of public holiday unlike PRCs who have 2 weeks off.* K( V! J. `* T+ W# x" u
星期四是新加坡42岁生日。: [+ l# G2 S* L1 O. j- }
我去了QIYUAN那里和其他七个朋友一起观看国庆游行。这些朋友中的6个将要读大学一年级。3个来自越南,3个来自马来西亚。我们只有一天的公共假期,不像中国有两周的时间。% U8 g! C( o/ K1 j3 F

& ~' M# a# w4 ~4 EI really love my country and wish Singapore will be strong politically and economically. In addition, I pray that Singaporeans will be loyal to our motherland and care for one another.
- a( u3 B8 \$ |8 {* U2 e' }我非常爱我的国家,希望新加坡将在政治上和经济上都变得强大。另外,我祈祷新加坡人将忠于我们的祖国,并且能彼此关爱。* A) C3 y: u" c5 E$ B/ S

( H- q4 J! H5 y# k& k& @I love the 'Su shi Yue Bing (mooncakes)' that I bought in Shanghai. They are Yummy!
3 n7 r( L& N9 a2 H) {5 x! u( E我很喜欢从上海带来的苏式月饼,他们很美味!& G1 N4 o( }, p
# Z9 N& ]  S# O' m6 X: `  y
I went to Cheng Huan Miao on on the morning before I flew off and tried the 'Tang bao'. Thought there 's meat inside! But there's only soup and the 'bao'... felt a bit cheated paying 10 RMB for only the soup. Tried the Nanxiang Xiao Long bao. they are good but i still prefer the fried buns( what are they called again?) that we tried after the karoke session." \) Q5 V& B( L& M- e
我在飞回来那天上午去了城隍庙,并尝试了汤包。以为里面有肉!但是,只有汤和“包”...感觉受欺骗了,10RMB仅仅买到汤.吃了南翔小笼,他们还不错,但是我更喜卡拉OK中间吃的煎的小圆面包(他们叫什么?)5 l7 ?  g8 Q! e2 r8 H

! y6 }) ^7 P0 K  X5 OShengchen is also back in Singapore and will be starting school next week. When are u starting school again?
) E# I$ c( r2 W) K- s! oSHENGCHEN 也回来新加坡了,下周开学。你们什么时候开学?7 x6 H6 v# N# D' M8 `
- B3 V( }* J# B2 T5 A: b- E7 G$ ~5 \
  N. _8 t; Q% }' h5 T
With love,
, N& N( D7 j# s5 i6 aXuemei4 ?1 v6 m. V9 r/ q: v) {# H
; w' k" F7 n3 y) P2 j: g
" i/ ^- A4 P1 \5 `# g6 w雪梅
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发表于 2010-4-20 16:22 | 显示全部楼层
x害羞写的真舒服,看着。唉。。为啥俺写的就那么生硬。1 g! Z4 A5 I1 [! E, Z; L! ^& I
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