yilingche 发表于 2009-7-4 18:32


Dear all,
Sichuan Post-disaster Support and Research Center would like to recruit social workers responsible for our Sichuan post-disaster projects in various social work stations in Sichuan. For any interested parties, please see the attached file and kindly send your application letter, resume and expected salary to the following email address by July 5, 2009.

Thanks a lot.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
四川灾后重建支持及研究中心现招聘学校社会工作者一职。有意申请之人士请将简历、求职信,连同待遇要求、能够到岗的日期于 2009 年 7 月 5 日前 电邮致 ssspapss@polyu.edu.hk 。
香港理工大学 应用社会科学系

pearl 发表于 2009-7-4 20:12


lynne 发表于 2009-7-4 22:08

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查看完整版本: 香港理工招聘学校社会工作者截止到09年7月5日